How to Align Sales and Marketing Teams for Max ROI

The age-old questions still persist: how do you ensure the members of your sales team have the right content when they need it? And that marketing has the insights they need to create that content in the first place?

If you're ready to align your sales and marketing teams once and for all, this webinar is for you. Join us to learn about:

  • The why behind aligning your sales and marketing teams
  • Specific tactics you can use to keep sales and marketing aligned
  • Ways you can get your sales team to use the content your marketing team is creating


Brittni Ratliff

Brittni Kinney Ratliff is a vice president at Influence & Co. and specializes in high-level strategy development. She is a pro at helping marketing and business leaders identify the perfect content tactics that will help them achieve their goals.


Sponsored by Influence & Co.
Influence & Co. is a content marketing agency that combines a team of content marketing experts, custom technology and relationships, and top online publications to provide our clients a full-service solution to content marketing.
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  • Date: January 16, 2020
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Brittni Ratliff
  • Sponsor: Influence & Co.
  • Element: Management
  • Topic: Marketing Content, Marketing Management
  • Price: $0


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