Add Value and Revenue by Owning Customer Success

Customer success is a relatively new function in many companies, and the team is often placed in areas that don't allow for maximum impact. Onboarding, retention, upselling—how should marketers map the customer experience and build a cohesive plan for success?

Join us to learn how to:

  • Determine the role of customer success based on the stage of your company
  • Map customer experience across all departments
  • Effectively integrate customer success into marketing
  • Make effective use of "voice of the customer" insights from sales, product marketing, and service


Jeanne Hopkins

As's CMO, Jeanne Hopkins leads its marketing + customer success organizations. She has previously held executive roles at companies including Ipswitch, HubSpot, and MarketingSherpa.


Sponsored by TrustRadius
TrustRadius is the customer voice and insights platform that helps tech buyers make great decisions, and tech vendors acquire and retain great customers. Each month, over half a million B2B tech buyers use 222k+ verified reviews and ratings on to make informed purchasing decisions.
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  • Date: March 17, 2020
  • Length: 60 minutes
  • Presenter: Jeanne Hopkins
  • Sponsor: TrustRadius
  • Element: Management
  • Topic: Customer Experience
  • Price: $0


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