Build Your Marketing Analytics Road Map to Growth

The margin for error for marketers right now is razor thin. All marketing investments are being carefully considered, even as marketers face increasing pressure to drive growth.

This is where marketing analytics comes in—to provide the insights you need to align marketing strategy to your bottom-line business goals.

Join us to learn how to:

  • Assess your ability to produce actionable, relevant insights based on the 4 Levels of Marketing Analytics Maturity
  • Overcome the single biggest challenge to using analytics effectively
  • Develop an analytics game plan that's right for you


Matt Hertig

Matt Hertig is a passionate entrepreneur and co-creator of ChannelMix, a marketing analytics platform that delivers holistic, accurate insight into marketing performance and ROI. As CEO, Matt invests in his people as much as the technology behind the ChannelMix platform. He enjoys speaking about the future of marketing and analytics and the ways marketing leaders can demonstrate value beyond vanity metrics and KPIs.


Sponsored by Alight Analytics
Alight Analytics provides next-gen analytics solutions for marketers, combining the speed and precision of software with the expertise and flexibility of consultants. Each solution offers sophisticated insights through turnkey reports and KPIs that are tailored to answer specific questions.
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  • Date: September 10, 2020
  • Length: 60 minutes
  • Presenter: Matt Hertig
  • Sponsor: Alight Analytics
  • Topic: Marketing Strategy
  • Price: $0


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