Five Easy Steps to Kick-Start Your ABM Launch

Marketing budgets are tighter, and the digital marketplace more crowded, than ever before. Enter: account-based marketing (ABM), a natural remedy to these problems.

With effective ABM, you can laser-focus your efforts on the accounts most likely to become valuable, lifetime customers. And—good news—you can plan and launch ABM right now to improve your Q4 results.

Join us to learn:

  • How to select your target accounts and add personalization at scale
  • When and where to use personal gifting
  • How to fast-track accounts and push them through the funnel
  • What simple customer retention tactics you can use now


Nina Butler

Nina Butler is the director of demand generation at Alyce, a Boston-based startup that delivers 1:1 business connections through its personal gifting platform. She leads the strategy and execution of marketing programs to drive demand for the product.

Jesse Walsh

Jesse Walsh is segment marketing manager at Vidyard, the world's leading video platform. She's a digital marketing specialist with a passion for creating engaging, full-funnel marketing programs that drive demand for video.


Sponsored by Vidyard
Vidyard is the video platform that helps your business transform communications and drive more revenue through the strategic use of online video. We help you connect with more viewers, learn powerful insights, turn insights into action, and prove the impact of your video programs.
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  • Date: September 17, 2020
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Nina Butler, Jesse Walsh
  • Sponsor: Vidyard
  • Topic: Marketing Strategy
  • Price: $0


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