Marketing-Led Customer Experience: The Future of B2B

The B2B customer journey has evolved: Buyers are now seeking out the digital self-serve channels that are built and supported by Marketing. As a result, the marketing organization now has an opportunity to create a new approach to customer experience (CX).

Traditional CX is fragmented across business silos, but Marketing-led CX consolidates the experience so it can benefit from greater consistency, new customer-facing technologies, and the leadership of marketers—who understand the customer mindset best.

Join us to learn:

  • Three reasons Marketing will own B2B CX in future
  • The proven impact of enhanced CX on key business success metrics
  • How to lead a Marketing-led CX initiative in your organization


Rhoan Morgan

Rhoan Morgan is a co-founder and the CEO of DemandLab, an agency she launched in 2009 in response to the disruptive impact of technology in marketing. She is the co-author of Change Agents: The Radical Role of Tomorrow's CMO and host of the Revenue Rebels podcast.

Stuart Gilchriest

Stuart Gilchriest leads VOC and CX streams for the Hertz Corporation and was part of the team that earned Hertz' first JD Power Customer Satisfaction win in 16 years, in 2019. He is also a Certified Customer Experience Professional. Stuart started his career in the hospitality industry in his native England and now lives in Naples, Florida with his wife Mayra, son Nicolas and dog Chewy.


Sponsored by DemandLab
DemandLab is a technology-focused marketing consultancy that accelerates revenue for clients. With solutions designed to scale, DemandLab empowers marketers in every industry to exceed their own expectations, boost the bottom line, and reaffirm their value to the entire organization.
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  • Date: September 24, 2020
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Rhoan Morgan, Stuart Gilchriest
  • Sponsor: DemandLab
  • Topic: Marketing Strategy
  • Price: $0


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