As a B2B marketer, you have a lot to worry about. At the top of that list is generating leads and pipeline. Traditionally, marketers have focused on creativity and design to drive strategy—but as consumer expectations shift, marketers must also shift.
Today, marketers must harness the power of both creativity and technology when determining how to engage with customers. With the proper technology implementation, you can use data to build unique customer profiles and get the right content to the right people at the right time.
Join us to learn:
- Which short- and long-term tactics to use for digital transformation and optimization
- How to "2020-proof" your marketing strategy for 2021 and beyond
- How IT and Marketing synergy results in positive customer experiences
- Why successful implementation of the right technology is critical today

Joe Henriques is president, North America, at Jahia. He has been a marketing-tech leader and strategist for 15+ years. Jahia and its partners rely on Joe to help prospective and current clients discover the full potential of digital transformation and Jahia’s products.

Justin Sharaf is VP of marketing at Jahia. With a background in analytics and technology, Justin understands that building a core foundation of data and technology helps optimize marketing programs and empowers marketers to be more effective and efficient at their jobs.

- Date: December 8, 2020
- Length: 45 minutes
- Presenter: Joe Henriques, Justin Sharaf
- Sponsor: Jahia
- Topic: Marketing Content, Martech, Measurement & Analytics
- Price: $0