Inclusion in Marketing: Boosting Your Bottom Line While Doing Good

Over the past twelve months, we've seen unprecedented and urgent conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion in the business community, particularly among marketing professionals.

As marketers, we have a responsibility not just to advocate but to take immediate action for ALL of our customers by creating content that educates, inspires, and builds inclusion into the community. But many of us are still unsure how to do so and are actively seeking advice and guidance on these topics.

We have engaged Smart Simple Marketing, a leading minority-owned, woman-owned, expert firm, to help lead this discussion. Join us for a bold conversation on how marketers can leverage the power of product inclusion, multicultural marketing, and supplier diversity to not only deepen engagement with your target audiences but to grow your brands and businesses as well. The panelists will offer a variety of perspectives and lessons on how your organizations can be more inclusive and will be available to answer your questions during the live Q&A portion.

You'll learn:

  • How increasing supplier diversity can have a direct positive impact on your business growth
  • To identify gaps in awareness, willingness, and capabilities as they pertain to diversity
  • How to make the most of the untapped potential at the intersection of product strategy and multicultural marketing
  • To ensure your brand is doing all it can to facilitate and empower equitable outcomes among customers, employees, and stakeholders
  • How to avoid committing "professional malpractice"

Bottom line: You'll walk away with insightful, actionable strategies you and your brand can implement within the next 90 days.


Sydni Craig-Hart

Sydni Craig-Hart is CEO of Smart Simple Marketing and a 4th-generation entrepreneur. Since 2006, her team has been helping companies to drive engagement with small, minority- and women-owned businesses. They have worked with over 10,200 small businesses in 79 different industries, and today they work with companies like Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and more.

Lili Kwan

Lili Kwan is a seasoned supply chain professional with decades of experience in sourcing/procurement and developing sustainable and inclusive supply chains. She has implemented various programs that support equity and justice in partnership with community-based organizations.

Bridget Harris

Bridget Harris is the director, photography at Airbnb Creative. She is passionate about supporting emerging talent, has built programs designed to grow and mentor emerging and diverse photographers, and supports organizations invested in authentic visual storytelling.

Andrew McCaskill

Andrew McCaskill is a culture analyst, inclusion champion, and marketing executive. Before joining LinkedIn as their Sr. director of global communications, he led diversity and inclusion strategy for Facebook and US consumer marketing and global communications at Nielsen.

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  • Date: August 24, 2021
  • Length: 75 minutes
  • Presenter: Sydni Craig-Hart, Lili Kwan, Bridget Harris, Andrew McCaskill
  • Topic: Branding, Customer Experience, Marketing Management
  • Price: $0


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