Optimizing Your Site: How to Write for Google and the Reader

In this world where search engine optimization is everything if you want people to find you online, content creators are often asking themselves, "Are we going to improve this experience for a buyer's journey, or for SEO so a buyer can find it and convert quickly?"

Break the SEO rules, and your fabulous writing is buried with fewer eyeballs than the Cyclops. Follow the rules, and the writing repeats key phrases so often the reader wonders what's wrong with you—but you just might make it to a Page One ranking. Is there a middle ground? In this session, we'll talk about writing for Google versus writing for the reader. And we'll seek to answer the question: Can you please both?

Join us to learn:

  • How to balance search engine and reader priorities
  • What Google really cares about and what other factors are in play
  • How to understand the intent behind a keyword search


Doug Barney

Doug Barney was the founding editor of Redmond Magazine, Redmond Channel Partner, Redmond Developer News, and Virtualization Review. Doug also served as executive editor of Network World, editor-in-chief of AmigaWorld, and editor-in-chief of Network Computing.

Zach Stone

Zach Stone is the VP of marketing at DeltaV Digital and has 10+ years' experience helping businesses achieve their digital marketing goals. He specializes in SEO, SEM, and digital strategy with a passion for analyzing data to help connect the dots between all marketing channels.


Sponsored by Sitefinity
Sitefinity is a content-driven digital experience platform for delivering compelling, multichannel user experiences. Designed from the ground up with developers as well as nontechnical users in mind, Sitefinity is easy to manage and scale so you can create remarkable experiences with a fraction of the time and resources.
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  • Date: August 12, 2021
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Doug Barney, Zach Stone
  • Sponsor: Sitefinity
  • Topic: Marketing Content, SEO, Websites
  • Price: $0


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