How to Navigate the New Era of Field Marketing

Field-marketing strategies may vary, but there are common challenges—from the constant balancing act between Sales and Marketing to limited bandwidth and budget. There's no shortage of obstacles that stand in the way of you hitting your goals. Yet, many field marketers have found success through thoughtful innovation—especially over the past year-plus.

Join us to learn:

  • How the role of field marketers has evolved and what it looks like today
  • Tactics to overcome the biggest obstacles faced during the ongoing pandemic
  • Game-changing solutions to help you execute successful strategies and meet or exceed your pipeline goals


Alli Rubach

Alli Rubach is a seasoned field marketer who serves as the group manager for field marketing corporate programs at HashiCorp, leading the team that runs executive briefing, customer advisory board, and conference programs.

Billy Bahnsen

Billy Bahnsen is the senior field marketing manager at Splash, responsible for strategizing with revenue teams to uncover net-new and drive expansion opportunities. Before Splash, Billy was the field marketing lead at PagerDuty, Anaplan, and Tagetik.

Kim-Mai Underwood

Kim-Mai Underwood is a senior field marketing manager at PagerDuty and has over a decade of experience in creating and managing fully integrated field marketing, demand generation, and marketing automation programs for direct sales organizations.


Sponsored by Splash
Splash provides marketers with tools to create and execute virtual, in-person, and hybrid event programs. By marrying data, design, and intelligent automation, Splash empowers users to scale their event programs in ways that were previously impossible.
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  • Date: September 23, 2021
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Alli Rubach, Billy Bahnsen, Kim-Mai Underwood
  • Sponsor: Splash
  • Topic: Marketing Strategy
  • Price: $0


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