How to Build Thought Leadership

The Edelman Trust Barometer found that people are more likely to trust a technical expert, or a person they view as similar to themselves, than traditional authority figures.

For companies, that means they can't simply default to a spokesperson with a fancy title, which isn't enough to have that person be viewed as a thought leader. Instead, brands need to think holistically about the stories they tell—and the people who tell them.

In this session, we'll explore strategies, tactics, and real-world success stories of starting from scratch and scaling a thought-leadership platform.

Join us to learn how to:

  • Create a baseline for potential thought leaders across four interconnected pillars
  • Determine gaps and prioritize next steps to start building a thought leader in your organization
  • Conduct working sessions with thought leaders to hone content, distribution outlets, and elements of personal branding


Ashley Faus

Ashley Faus is a marketer, writer, and speaker by day and a singer, actor, and fitness fiend by night. Her work has been featured in TIME, Forbes, and The Journal of Brand Strategy. She's shared insights with audiences at Harvard Business Review, INBOUND, and MarketingProfs. She currently works for Atlassian, a collaboration software maker on a mission to unleash the potential of every team.

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  • Date: September 21, 2021
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Ashley Faus
  • Topic: Marketing Strategy
  • Price: $0


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