How to Build a High-Converting Lead Magnet

If you've ever said...

"My lead magnets aren't working," or
"I don't know what lead magnets to create," or
"I don't know if I have the right lead magnets..."

Join us for How to Build a High-Converting Lead Magnet, a free (no-pitch/no-sales) webinar with demand generation expert Kenda Macdonald.

Some lead magnets are far better than others.

And good lead magnets should do much more than attract your prospects and collect leads.

Join us for this practical and actionable webinar, and learn how to create high-converting lead magnets that:

  • Progressively profile your prospects and give you data to support them on their buying journey
  • Educate prospects on your solutions and give you a healthy bump in average order value (AOV)
  • Move your leads from marketing qualified leads (MQL) to sales qualified leads (SQL) and increase your sales conversations
  • Address objections early so your sales department can convert more prospects into happy customers

You'll leave this webinar with loads of ideas, a cheat sheet to help you remember everything you learn, and strategies you can implement immediately to create high-converting lead magnets.


Kenda Macdonald

Kenda Macdonald is a forensic psychology major, the Demand Generation Consulting Practice Lead at MarketingProfs, and the founder of Automation Ninjas, the UK's leading behavioral automation agency. She's an international public speaker, a multi-award-winning businesswoman, a doting cat mom, and the author of the best-selling Hack the Buyer Brain.

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  • Date: January 18, 2023
  • Length: 60 minutes
  • Presenter: Kenda Macdonald
  • Topic: Marketing Content
  • Price: $0


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