10 Ways to Create More Content in Less Time

The sales cycle is speeding up. And your audience is consuming your content faster than you can create it.

But you have only so many hours in a day and limited resources on your team. And it's terrible to feel like you're falling short of leadership's expectations.

So how can you create more content in less time... without skipping lunch, working late, or hiring more staff?

Canto VP of Brand and Content Mike Lacey and Canto Sr. Growth Marketing Manager Ariana Keil reveal 10 tactical, actionable tips to speed up your content creation.

In this webinar, you'll learn how to:

  • Create content with fewer resources and in less time
  • Scale your content production across more channels and media
  • Adjust your content strategy to maximize your ROI


Ariana Keil

Ariana Keil is the Sr. growth marketing manager for Canto. With a background in B2B sales and marketing, she has a passion for GTM strategies that holistically target the entire buyer's journey. Ariana believes in the power of content to drive engagement and build brand equity.

Mike Lacey

Mike Lacey is the VP of brand and content at Canto, with a background in both content marketing and production leadership roles. He specializes in brand storytelling and developing content strategies for a variety of digital channels.


Sponsored by Canto
Canto is a global leader in digital asset management (DAM) software, giving brands a visual way to organize, find, and share their digital assets. Its platform empowers brands to compete in today's landscape with innovative on-brand experiences. Canto allows today's most iconic brands to move faster.
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  • Date: August 10, 2023
  • Length: 45 minutes
  • Presenter: Ariana Keil, Mike Lacey
  • Sponsor: Canto
  • Topic: Marketing Content, Demand Generation
  • Price: $0


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