The professional services firm Deloitte has released today the foresight study Eye to the Future...

...with the enigmatic subtitle: "How TMT advances could change the way we live in 2010." TMT, it turns out, stands for "Technology, Media and Telecommunications."
The report looks at how technology advances will change the way we live our lives: "Although we won't be watching holographic TV or travelling to work in flying cars, technology will be far more involved in our everyday lives than ever before .... from the car to the classroom, the living room to the office and essentially everywhere in between".
According to the Deloitte website, the report looks at the impact technology will have on:
* How we educate our children - What technologies will be used? Will these displace teachers? Will there be increased opportunities for cheating and skipping classes?
* How we entertain ourselves - Will broadband turn surfing into prime time entertainment? Will next generation video games be able to burn billions of calories as well as develop the mind? Will user generated content be our main form of entertainment?
* How we work - Will work place boundaries blur, both socially and geographically? Will the office team disaggregate? What role will search have on productivity?
* How we travel - Will robots be driving our cars? Will the growing use of GPS mean individuals lose their sense of direction? Will the last refuge from the office finally disappear as airplanes, buses and trains get connected?
* How we communicate - Will more people get connected? Will video calls become the norm?
Download report (pdf, 449 kb, 24 pages)

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Mark Vanderbeeken, who is in charge of the successful experience design blog at Experientia titledPutting People First, is a specialist in visioning, identity development and strategic communications. He worked in Belgium (his home country), USA, Denmark and Italy for both profit and non-profit, studied at Columbia University, and is now a senior partner in Experientia, an experience design consultancy based in Turin, Italy.

Prior to Experientia, he was communications manager of Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (Ivrea, Italy), European communications coordinator for the World Wide Fund for Nature (or WWF, Copenhagen, Denmark), marketing director of Gwathmey Siegel & Associates Architects (New York, USA) and chief press officer of Antwerp 93, Cultural Capital of Europe (Antwerp, Belgium).