I was reading an interesting article in Newsweek, Living at Jet Speed...

...on the flight from CDG to LHR today. It talks about the speed at which we move and all that it means for us in the age of constant change and non-stop international travel. For someone who has 'global' as on of his top brand attributes, I found the article fascinating.
When I interviewed Micky Pant, CMO of Yum! for MarketingProfs, he said all marketers today need to be international marketers. That means logging a lot of miles.
To determine your personal velocity, you add the number of miles you fly, drive and train in a year and divide by 8760 (365days times 24 hours per day). My Personal Velocity or Pv for 2005 was 28.3. Doesn't sound like a fast number, but it sure felt fast!
Is international one of your personal brand attributes? What's your Pv?

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image of William Arruda

William Arruda is a personal branding pioneer, the founder and CEO of Reach Personal Branding, and the author of Ditch. Dare. Do! 3D Personal Branding for Executives.

Twitter: @williamarruda

LinkedIn: William Arruda