Why are some Buzz Marketing programs better than others? What makes one program more Buzz worthy than another?

These questions and more are why I interviewed Jim Calhoun the CEO of Popular Media for his advice on how to really make your Buzz Marketing programs engaging.
So what's Jim's advice on how to make good decisions when it comes to Viral or Buzz Marketing?
Two tenets - Make it fun to share and Make it fun to get .... this is a base minimum for any Buzz program. To hear more of his advice on how to make your campaigns go viral check out our podcast.

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About Jim
Jim co-founded PopularMedia and has served as chief executive officer since its inception in 2003. He is responsible for guiding the company's strategy, growth, operations and customer satisfaction. A true Silicon Valley veteran, Jim has helped a broad range of businesses grow through technology and marketing -- from startups such as Glam Media, Inc. to global leaders such as HP and IBM. Prior to founding PopularMedia, Jim founded CustomerClick LLC, a privately held direct marketing services firm based in San Francisco. Previously, Jim served as Vice President of Products at NetObjects, Inc. Jim is a former reviews editor at CNET and holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Missouri.

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Psychology of Buzz Marketing: A Podcast with Jim Calhoun, CEO of Popular Media

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Paul Dunay is director of global field and interactive marketing for Bearing Point (www.bearingpoint.com).