I'm happy to announce that I'll be participating in the MarketingProfs Business-To-Business Forum 2010 this May 4th-5th in Boston. And I'm even happier to announce the subject matter I'll be presenting on, being it's a subject that every single B2B marketerand every single one of their bosses!is interested in learning a TON more about: social media ROI. We're even coining the session a "Case-Study Swap Meet". That means I'll be moderating a panel covering several case studies from several companies covering several points of ROI. We're not shying away from the ROI discussion. Not a chance, marketers. We're tackling it head-on and spotlighting 4 companies in the process... and YOURS could be one of them!

What does the session entail?

Featuring big and small businesses alike, you'll discover 4 very *different* case studies where Social media was integrated into marketing programs, along with more traditional marketing channels, and how it yielded ROI. Specifically, we'll cover: 

  • Goals and Strategies. Each businesses' over-arching business goals, their respective marketing strategies, and how they integrated their unique programs into their marketing plans.

  • Metrics. The metrics and measurement results that show the success of each campaign and how the integration of social media led to that success.

  • ROI. Both qualitative and quantitative points of ROI.

  • Lessons and Tips. Key lessons learned from each companyand top tips they learned from their time spent deep in the social media trenches.

  • All panelists will be shortly announced (and the winner of the Case Study Challenge will be announced April 1st!)

What will you leave the session understanding?

You'll leave this session having a better understanding of how you can integrate social media into YOUR marketing and gain similar results. And you'll also leave with rock-solid examples of how other B2Bs, both large and small, used social media to generate awareness and leads and grew relationships and revenues for their organizations.

How can You enter your company for the challenge?

It's easy, fast and free. To enter the B2B Social Media Case Study Challenge just fill out the form located here. Businesses large, small and in-between are encouraged to enter as the criterion for the winner is (1) how well you demonstrate the measurable value of how the integration of social media raised the ROI of your marketing program and (2) the *uniqueness* of the social media strategy you implemented. It's truly a chance to show-off all your hard work and clever programs, so c'mon and join the challenge!

When do you need to submit your social media success story by?

You need to submit your entry no later than March 12th, with the winner announced April 1st. Enter here. To learn more about the many sessions and speakers at the MarketingProfs Business-to-Business Forum, please go here... and I hope to see you there!

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Christina "CK" Kerley is a strategist, speaker, and trainer on innovation through mobile and smart technologies ("The Internet of Things"). Access her e-books and videos.

Twitter: @CKsays