The world's most widely viewed sporting event, FIFA World Cup 2010, begins today.

Every four years since 1930 (with the exception of 1942 and 1946), soccer teams have fought, kicked, run, defended, and left everything on the field in fierce matches in the world's spotlight. This year, 32 teams battle in South Africa.

And for the first time ever, the World Cup is playing in the digital age. During the last World Cup, social media was barely kicking: Twitter hit the field on July 2006; Facebook wasn't public until September 2006.

In 2010,  it's a whole new World Cup.

The World Is Watching

From June 11 to July 11, hundreds of millions of soccer  fans around the world will be glued to their TV and computer screens to watch the FIFA World Cup. And unlike the last World Cup,  fans who couldn't afford to jet to the hosting country are no longer limited to screaming, jeering, and cheering just in sports bars or their living rooms. Thanks to Twitter (@FIFAcom) and Facebook, fans can have their shouts and whistles heard around the world.

How important is Social media to World Cup 2010? FIFA president Joseph S. Blatter (@seppblatter) says, "...  social media websites will play an important role in connecting everyone who cares about the game of football. I’m very excited to be sharing my own personal experience of the 2010 FIFA World Cup with football fans from all over the world.” And Twitter employee Robin Sloan says, "... The World Cup will eclipse everything we have seen so far on Twitter, including the U.S. election, the Oscars, or the Super Bowl simply because it is so international."

He's not exaggerating. Fans everywhere are putting on their country's jerseys and cheering on their teams in the world's  most anticipated sporting event at:

Get in the Game

With such a tremendous audience, consider taking advantage of the soccer love and fandom by putting a touch of soccer (or "football" if you speak English anywhere outside the United States)  on your business, tweets or blog posts. Ask yourself:

  • Are there ways that your business can join in this worldwide event?

  • Do  you have a product or idea to share with soccer enthusiasts around the world?

  • Can you share about your country's team on the corporate blog or Twitter account?

  • Is there someone at your company who is a soccer enthusiast and can tweet, blog or share about World Cup 2010?

Today begins a month-long experience of breathing, eating, drinking, sleeping, and dreaming soccer for World Cup 2010 fans. Don't be late to the game.

And feel free to leave a comment or just share who you're rooting for. I'd love to hear from you!

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World Cup 2010: A Social Media Gooooooal!

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski