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  • 2019 is here. Are you ready to get serious about (and get serious results from) your Account-Based Marketing strategy? Getting super granular with specific KPIs may feel like splitting hairs, but precision is key. Sponsored by Demandbase.

  • Close alignment and cooperation between Sales and Marketing is key to a successful account-based marketing program. Here's how you can set up your ABM program for success and avoid common mistakes.

  • ABM campaigns can boost your marketing efforts—but if you've never put one together, it's hard to know where to start. We'll show you how to deploy ABM campaigns successfully while maintaining your sanity.

  • Yes, account-based marketing can be an effective way to convert your B2B audience, but make sure you have a strong foundation before your start. Here's what to look for.

  • Account-based marketing is more than just sending emails to a targeted list. Once a prospect is aware of your brand, how you delight them with personalized content will determine your success in conversion. Want to see a real-life example of how that can be done well? Sponsored by Uberflip.

  • The traditional marketing and sales funnel doesn't reflect how most B2B sales works these days--how buyers behave and how purchasing decisions are made. Here's how to win in the new environment.

  • Account-based marketing isn't new, but many marketers still run into issues with implementation and performance. Here are six common ABM problems--and their solutions.

  • Account-based marketing may seem like a panacea, but the reality is that marketers often don't trust their own data—which makes your ABM program ineffective. These three steps can make your data more usable.

  • Your new ABM program will need a new lead management process: The parts may be similar to your current process, but they work differently for ABM.

  • B2B marketers increasingly believe data quality is key to successful campaigns but nearly half are not confident in the quality of their own data, according to recent research from Dun & Bradstreet.

  • How to Succeed With ABM

    Sponsored Webinar

    Account-Based Marketing: it may be a strategy with a long history, but today's campaigns are more sophisticated than ever. Persistent identification—connecting people to accounts throughout the customer journey so you know who to target and when—is your key to success. Sponsored by Dun & Bradstreet.

  • ABM is not a new strategy by any means, but more and more B2B marketers are embracing it, in part because they're dissatisfied with their current lead generation programs. But don't get tangled up in the hype; success relies on a careful approach.

  • Account-Based Marketing

    Learning Path

    A well-executed account-based marketing campaign gives you an edge over the competition. With deep insights into the needs and pain points of key decision-makers at your target accounts, you're able to deliver highly relevant, exceptionally personalized experiences that close the big sales.

  • Many marketing organizations lack the organizational structure to energize and optimize an ABM strategy and program. In some ways, Marketing's traditional org chart may actually hinder ABM success.

  • Pull out your magnifying glass and read on to learn how to dig up clues about accounts and create a winning ABM program.

  • Developing an account-based marketing campaign is different from developing a traditional marketing campaign. With ABM, you are likely to create multiple campaigns for one target account, because clear communication across accounts is crucial to your success.

  • Get ready. Get set. And go start marketing! Wait... not so fast. First you need to connect with sales, gather insights, and start identifying the target accounts you'll be marketing to! Account-based marketing requires up-front planning to pull off the big long-term wins.

  • For your account-based marketing campaigns to succeed, you need to take your content development up a notch. Deeper insights. Greater personalization. More sophistication. It's hard work, but wow does it pay off!

  • Collecting data, interpreting information, adjusting your course, and presenting information play a role in any marketing campaign. But precisely what you want to measure is just a little different with account-based marketing.

  • How do B2B buyers like to be contacted by salespeople? Which types of vendor content tend to capture attention best? When should B2B salespeople engage with potential buyers?