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  • Aligning sales and marketing can save money and, in the end, make money. These eight lessons will show you the steps.

  • Public relations plays an important role in getting a company's message out to the world. Learn how to grow your business by adding a PR to your marketing toolkit.

  • So you've created awareness, filled the top of your funnel, and captured some pretty attractive leads (if you do say so yourself). Now you just need to nurture those leads and keep the party going. Here's how.

  • Storytelling


    As marketers, our role as storytellers is vital. The stories we tell our clients, our market, and other audiences help them form beliefs about us and connect with our brand. Now's the time to make our stories mean something (and achieve something) more.

  • There's more magic to creating great lead nurturing than a series of well-timed emails. While that's a good start, you need to understand your target customers if you want to know what to say to them (and when) in order to win more of them over.

  • If your marketing strategy sets your goal posts, your marketing plan defines how you're going to get there. It's a whole lot more than your individual tactics and execution details.

  • You might achieve limited success with an occasional tweet or email blast, but comprehensive campaigns (well-researched, focused, and detailed) yield greater success over time across multiple platforms.

  • Presentations


    Terrible presentations. You've seen them. You've probably even created them. But "Death by PowerPoint" isn't going to win you any fans (or customers or accolades from your boss's boss). It's time to step away from the click-click-boring and deliver something compelling.

  • Social Media


    Want to create a social media program that works? From establishing goals to evaluating results, use these six vital steps to create and execute a winning plan.

  • Primary research. Secondary research. Mounds (and mounds!) of existing internal data. Market research is big business and there's a reason why: it's vital if you want to shape your strategy and prioritize what's actually important to your business.

  • Discover what your customers are actually experiencing as they travel through their journey with your brand.

  • Business Results & KPIs

    Master Class Lesson

    Customer journey maps should drive results! You'll learn to define these outcomes and assign appropriate KPIs to deliver on them.

  • Determine Your Goals

    Master Class Lesson

    A map is all about getting somewhere! In this lesson, you'll determine the goals of both your brand and your customers.

  • Stages of the Journey

    Master Class Lesson

    Each customer's journey is unique, but every customer journey includes certain stages. Learn what typical stages you can use to build your journey map.

  • Your customer's journey is a series of unique interactions with your brand. The touchpoints between you and your customer create their journey. See your business from your customer's point of view.

  • Get the Right Data

    Master Class Lesson

    Discover how to utilize your marketing and customer experience data, feedback from customers, and input from employees to see things from your customer's perspective.

  • Your customers' expectations are higher than ever. In this Master Class, you'll learn how to map your customer journey so you can understand their motivations and deliver an experience that wows.

  • Channels, Touchpoints & Emotions

    Master Class Lesson

    Do you know what channels are more important to your customers? Understanding these interactions help define the moments where you can have the biggest impact.

  • What are the barriers that can stop your customer from progressing at each stage and touchpoint? Areas of friction. Roadblocks. Points where customers get stuck or frustrated.

  • Leading Actionable Outcomes

    Master Class Lesson

    Your journey map will show you where improvements are needed. In this lesson, you'll learn how to drive those improvements with cross-functional support, coalition building, and marketing leadership.