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  • More than ever, we B2B marketers are held accountable for driving revenue—and proving that we are. If you're struggling with measuring your content's value, here are three sets of metrics to track—and tips on how you can track them.

  • Marketing technologist and former energy industry marketer Virginie Glaenzer discusses sustainability, open source content, customer experience, and what it means to be an "awakened brand."

  • In just 10 minutes, we'll explain why it's time for marketers to take shared ownership of three traditional sales metrics and how, by doing so, you can improve collaboration and focus on activities which drive the business forward.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • Ruth Stevens discusses her new book, B2B Data-Driven Marketing, shares tips on how to collect and use data to improve B2B marketing results, and offers insights from her time as a senior marketer at companies like Time Warner and IBM.

  • Jason Falls, senior vice-president of digital strategy at Elasticity, explains how (and why) to move beyond social media monitoring and keywords to conversational research and audience strategy.

  • Marketers have tended to shy away from integrating experiential campaigns into their marketing strategies because, until recently, demonstrating impact was difficult or next to impossible. But no longer!

  • If Facebook were a country, it would be the biggest one... which is why it's so important for marketers to understand how to advertise effectively on Facebook. Your successful ad can make a huge impact on a potentially huge audience.

  • Zignal Labs Vice-President of Marketing Tim Hayden discusses data-driven marketing and split-second analytics, and why email and Twitter are very much alive.

  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn how to boost your return on advertising spend (ROAS) by leveraging the data you already have. We'll cover practical tips on how to segment your CRM lists, upload them into Google AdWords and Facebook advertising, and use them to help you expand and refine your campaigns.

  • Most CMOs view content as the future of marketing. But the job doesn't end with simply producing content... Making sure it performs is critical to driving engagement and reaching target audiences.

  • Facebook's scale and evolving video publishing platform make it a compelling video marketing option. To succeed in a digital age, marketers need to keep up with the platform's video advertising options.

  • Performance marketing demands objective ways to evaluate what's working (vendors, channels, media, creative...) and how your strategies and tactics are affecting the bottom line, margins, and cost efficiency. These nine optimization techniques can help.

  • Build a funnel specific to your business rather than adapting to a generic approach, and you'll maximize your marketing efforts and optimize conversions.

  • Private equity/startup go-to-market executive Bryan Semple shares insights on marketing measurement and the B2B customer journey, focusing on how modern marketers can measure the impact of their efforts.

  • The success or failure of a dashboard is closely linked to data visualization. But focus purely on the visualization, and you'll fail. So consider these three questions and then take the prescribed actions.

  • Joshua Dreller of data science company 4C offers insight into the lasting appeal of television and how data on viewing, combined with social data, can supercharge your message targeting.