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  • The proportion of major advertisers that say they are strongly committed to content marketing has doubled over the past two years, according to recent research from the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and The Content Council.

  • These principles of social media engagement, along with 10 tried-and-true tips and social media tropes that connect with audiences, will help you write engaging social media copy on behalf of your B2B brand. See how.

  • Marketers looking to spice up their content might want to look for inspiration in fashion and entertainment magazines that have traditionally targeted women.

  • As a B2B marketer, your work does not start or end with passing along generated leads to the sales team. What's more important is empowering them with targeted content assets to deliver a more personalized and engaging experience to prospects and buyers. Like these 6 content assets.

  • It's more important than ever to communicate with your customers with messages that are authentic, that build relationships—and offer useful information relevant to their business right now. These 3 types of content are well suited to the current environment. Learn more.

  • Sometimes writing can feel laborious and unfruitful, with your inner critic constantly making you question the quality of your work. So how can you discover your writing genius even when you feel empty?

  • Consultant, author, and creativity expert Dave Birss gives the MarketingProfs audience advice on fostering creativity and innovating during times of emotional turmoil. Like, say, a global pandemic.

  • Though marketing teams can produce content marketing that resonates with prospects and customers, executive-team buy-in and participation can elevate their efforts and open more opportunities to attract higher numbers of qualified leads.

  • Are your brand guidelines working for your team and company? Is the content being shared internally and externally consistent and aligned, no matter which team it's coming from and in what format? If not, it's time to start making some important changes.

  • Many of us are missing a huge content opportunity on LinkedIn: long-form articles. The marketing benefits you reap are tangible while the effort you expend can be minimal—if you use the right approach. Read more for practical advice and real-world examples.

  • Business buyers are inundated with pitches and content, most of which isn't relevant to them. That's good news for B2B marketers: Your prospects are hungry for a personalized experience. Here are three practical ways to make your ABM more successful.

  • Outsourcing content creation and relinquishing some control over your content can be stressful. But you can maintain a collaborative relationship with your content partner to execute a content strategy that achieves your content marketing goals. Here's practical advice for doing that.

  • Creating effective content for a business website is a complex endeavor that requires undertaking everything from audience research and competitive analysis to media development and search engine optimization.

  • Your B2B SEO strategy must be geared toward reaching the right decision-makers. If your sole intention is simply to rank for a keyword, your B2B keyword strategy is already a lost cause. Here are some handy tips to get it right.

  • In a world where personalized customer experiences are now expected as standard, where does that leave brands and their marketers? The time has come to master our content lifecycle and fuel personalized experiences. And here's the key to doing that.

  • Content marketing has matured to a point where you need at least some automation. But if you aren't careful, you'll turn people off: Your loyalists will notice if your content is lower quality or less tailored. To maintain customer trust while streamlining your workload, use these three tips.

  • Concise, easy-to-read e-commerce landing pages that use positive language and create a sense of anticipation tend to have better conversion rates, according to recent research from Unbounce.

  • Are you struggling to find the right way to connect with customers and prospects in the current climate? And wondering what the appropriate tone is for your messaging and branding? We'll show you what you need to do to weather this apocalypse and emerge stronger. Sponsored by SEMrush.

  • Lee Odden of TopRank marketing shares insights from a new research study on B2B influencer marketing, including the characteristics of the most successful B2B brands using influencer marketing.

  • Sales Navigator offers up a big opportunity for marketers to up their content and outbound games. Marketers, just as much as sales reps, can use the powerful functions of Sales Nav to identify, reach, and engage with audiences. Here's how, in three steps.