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  • Many components of content marketing are controllable and predictable. What isn't? Your audience's response. Here's what you can do when a piece of content you've created simply doesn't produce the right results.

  • Most consumers say they expect a pre-roll ad to play under 15 seconds on a video that's up to one-minute long, according to recent research from AOL Advertising.

  • Here's what you need to know about fake news, why you should consider fact-checking in your own content marketing, and how to implement a fact-checking process.

  • The proliferation of digital devices, coupled with a deluge of short, "snackable" content, has given consumers greater choice than ever in how and where they consume media. How can you get them to notice your ads?

  • From the tiniest startups in Silicon Valley to the largest global organizations, consumer and B2B marketers are pouring more resources than ever into video. But if you're just now getting into video marketing, these tips will help you catch up quickly.

  • Between two similar videos, what makes one buzz to the top of the YouTube charts, and one languish in obscurity? Experts weigh in.

  • After seeing a product video, consumers are 46% more likely to do an online search about that product, according to an infographic that's chock full of 40 stats about video use in e-commerce. Check it out to get some ideas for how you can use video.

  • Whether you're focused on building a content strategy, creating and distributing content, or measuring content performance, even one-person teams can achieve content marketing success.

  • When you scale your content creation efforts with user-generated content, and use real customer photos alongside branded content in your marketing, you'll gain credibility and authenticity for your brand and marketing—and help generate sales.

  • Infographics are liked and shared on social media three times more than other types of content, according to an infographic from IBM. Read on for more about how to make your infographics stand out from the crowd.

  • In this PRO seminar, you'll learn how to create device-agnostic content that reaches your target audience and achieves your communication objectives. You'll come away with strategies to tell even the most complex B2B sales story, or engage the most niche B2C consumers, with awesome content—on any platform!

  • If you've decided that your business needs a digital asset management (DAM) system to take over from your old, complex legacy systems, demonstrating business value may be fairly easy. If you've never had any comparable tools before, your job may be harder, especially if budgets are tight.

  • Star ratings are simple, but they have an immense effect. They increase social proof, boost word-of-mouth marketing, and improve the results of paid ads. And, most important, they influence purchases.

  • Search engines want to show the world your content, but not if you've made mistakes that undermine the user experience and search engines' guidelines. So give them what they want by avoiding these eight common mistakes that content creators make.

  • Marketing videos create awareness. But then what? What do viewers do after they click the "Play" button? If you want to know a lot more about your customers and your videos, get them interacting with each other. It's easier than you think, and you'll get data while your customers and prospects get a personalized experience.

  • You can't get answers if you don't ask questions. And if you don't get answers, you can't make informed decisions. Ask these nine questions, and you'll be on your way to owning your content-job interview.

  • If you're on the content bandwagon, but you don't know your customer acquisition cost (CAC) and customer lifetime value (CLV), you're playing a dangerous game: How do you know spending all that money on content marketing is worth it?

  • Content publishers have mountains to climb in trying to reach and monetize their audiences in this mobile-first, ad-averse world. How can you reach readers, viewers, and listeners—and keep them coming back?

  • Although Facebook is the most popular social network across generations, it's not as dominant with younger consumers as with older consumers, according to recent research from Sprout Social.

  • Hollywood-filmmaker-turned-brand-storyteller Vern Oakley provides tips and advice for marketers on how to use video to showcase the human side of their organization.