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  • You don't have to do the verbal equivalent of dressing up in a burger suit and jumping up and down at passing cars. You can give your sales page copy some rhythm and oomph with these more subtle jazzifying moves.

  • Content marketing can be as complex or as simple as you want it to be. Either way, six fundamental content principles should be guiding how you create and distribute your work. The trouble is, many marketers ignore at least some of those principles.

  • If you want to help overwhelmed, time-poor searchers to find you and your business online, then it's time to think hard about what you publish, where, when, how often, and—most important—why. Enter the content calendar.

  • Most of the tricks and tactics that worked on Facebook a few years ago no longer work; today, they can actually harm your page's ranking potential. Here are some mistakes you might be making—and tips on how to avoid them.

  • Word-of-mouth marketing is nothing new, but digital influencer marketing is... and all parties involved have a lot to learn still. Which is why many brands are approaching influencer marketing the wrong way—and souring the results.

  • PowerPoint files, and the information contained within them, are a valuable business (not just marketing or sales) asset. Presentation management unlocks the value of that asset, empowering everyone to make better presentations—before they ever open PowerPoint.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll share key factors for content marketing success and how to deliver useful information to your customers without breaking the bank. You'll walk away with advanced tools, tactics, and templates that you can implement immediately to help you reach, engage, and convert new customers for your business, and stand out from the competition.

  • Kathy Klotz-Guest, business storytelling strategist and author, shares insights from her new book, Stop Boring Me! How to Create Kick-A** Marketing Content, Products and Ideas Through the Power of Improv.

  • Getting people to grasp new ideas and ways of doing things is especially critical to the sales process in tech companies. Which is why applying teaching and learning principles to scripting and producing marketing videos makes so much sense.

  • You market and sell to businesses. So, if you're going to create B2B sales and marketing material (which—make no mistake—your explainer video is), keep in mind these five tips for writing a video script that converts.

  • B2B marketers live in a world powered by stats and facts; no wonder data visualization has become a thing, especially since so many people are visual learners. But data visualization isn't about pretty design, it's about telling a great story.

  • Marketing professor and agency marketer James Loomstein explains why marketers should focus their efforts (and their budgets) on the consideration phase in 2017.

  • Marketing rules and tactics for professional services providers (accountants, attorneys, physicians, dentists...) are often different from those for product or service marketers. Here's how newsletters work exceptionally well for professional services.

  • Marketing is always in a battle for attention: you can’t sell something to someone who won’t pay you any mind. But if you want them to do more than just notice you—if you want them to engage with you until they’re ready to act—you can’t be static or predictable or dull. You need to get interactive.

  • Until the Perfect Landing Page is created—an imaginary creature, no doubt—we will continue tweaking and testing and arguing the merits and faults of every landing page element. But these three unexpected tips will improve your landing page.

  • In our fast-paced, always-on, agile, want-it-yesterday, mile-a-minute world... there is a critical need to slow down. Why? Because doing so allows you to achieve real results—faster.

  • Photo-sharing social network Instagram recently launched its most significant and talked-about feature to date, Instagram Stories. Here are five ways you can use Stories as a creative marketing tool.

  • In just 10 minutes, you'll learn everything you need to get started creating testimonial video content for your company's marketing efforts. We'll show you how to harness the art of storytelling for better videos, along with various ways to promote the finished product across your website, social channels, and marketing campaigns. You'll walk away with actionable steps to plan, create, and leverage effective testimonial video content.

  • From time savings and increased productivity to usage rights, asset protection, and more, DAM's day as an essential tool for creative directors has arrived. The rewards are plentiful, and the risks of not investing in it are too great to ignore.

  • If you don't have video experience, video marketing can be intimidating. But it doesn't have to be. Here's a cheat sheet to get you started making great videos for YouTube.