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  • Finding engaging content to share via social media can be time-consuming and tough—and a hindrance to all the other work you have to do. So use these four simple ways to discover and share content that can improve your social media marketing.

  • More than ever, we B2B marketers are held accountable for driving revenue—and proving that we are. If you're struggling with measuring your content's value, here are three sets of metrics to track—and tips on how you can track them.

  • When someone first visits your website, it's unlikely she's going to buy from you, no matter how good your product or service is. She needs to come to trust you first. So how can we marketers build such credibility?

  • You spend time and money getting people to your website so you can educate them on your offering and make a sale. And yet, your website is probably filled with lots and lots of text, even though video is the most effective way to tell your story.

  • Deciding where to put your investment—of money, time, and effort—isn't easy. And the ROI of both social and content is notoriously difficult to measure. So how do you decide where to put your efforts? And once you decide, how do you go about it?

  • Attorney Kerry O'Shea Gorgone answers marketers' legal questions about copyright law, content curation, and more.

  • If marketing is essentially about persuasion, then the use of highly effective persuasive techniques can take a campaign goal to the next level—whether that's attracting more traffic, earning more conversions, or sparking more customer engagement.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll explore how some of the world's most creative marketers earn attention. We'll share why we need to step back from our obsession with best practices, and what to do instead. You'll leave with ideas inspired by case studies on how do the unthinkable and create better content marketing that actually stands out.

  • Story expert Ron Ploof explains how brands (B2B and B2C alike) can create more effective marketing pieces by applying the fundamentals of storytelling to their content marketing.

  • Yeah, you could totally wing it blog post by blog post, tweet by tweet. But if you truly want to build brand awareness and create meaningful relationships with your readers, followers, and customers, planning is a must.

  • It's no secret that SEO has been changing—fast. Once, it was all about title tags, keywords, and backlinks. Today, SEO needs to take into consideration so much more.

  • Content marketing is a high priority for many organizations, but most are struggling with the strategies, processes, and technologies that can help them succeed.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll cut through the clutter and share dozens of tactical, proven best practices that will help you accelerate the production and results of your content marketing efforts. We'll show you how to create a scalable system that can be customized to your content marketing and business objectives. You'll leave with 50+ tools, tips, and hacks to increase your content marketing success.

  • To better relate your product or service to consumers, present them in a way that identifies with those of a particular culture. Multilingual marketing is a way to do that.

  • These four content creation hacks belong in every marketer's toolbox. These tips and tricks epitomize the scrappy mindset we need to do more with less, and help us bring that mindset to life in our content marketing.

  • B2B marketers are overwhelmed by content marketing, with their top challenges relating to production. No wonder: a marketing department isn't the same thing as a content production team.

  • Bad news: People don't read your online content marketing these days; they merely scan most Web content. But with these tips you can write scannable, easy-to-understand text that will boost engagement.