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  • B2B buyers say the trait they value most in salespeople is active listening, and B2B sales managers say the trait they most value in salespeople is problem-solving, according to recent research from LinkedIn.

  • The pandemic has forced sales professionals to adopt digital approaches in lieu of face-to-face meetings. And without in-office support, marketing and sales leaders are struggling to support their sales teams. Here's how to set up your salespeople for success.

  • One of our biggest problems as marketers is a tendency to be so customer-focused that we forget to apply our talents within our own organizations. Here are four ways we can position ourselves as leaders and catalysts for much-needed change.

  • You have data EVERYWHERE—from your CRM to your marketing automation platform, and other systems in between. But it hasn't always been easy to use the data to improve customer experience. Until now. Sponsored by Drift.

  • With Covid-19 having rapidly shut down businesses across the world, more workplaces have sent their employees home—some of them indefinitely. Is that a viable solution? It is, if an emphasis is placed on trust. With trust, a remote team can thrive, benefiting employees and employers alike.

  • If you're like most marketers, you're probably drowning in data but starving for actionable information. Here's how to get the insights you need to increase sales, conversions, and leads. Sponsored by Alight Analytics.

  • For many industries, digital channels are now essential to doing business well into the future. Here are some practical tips on how to accelerate your digital transformation.

  • All professional services agencies entering the third decade of the 21st Century have many responsibilities... but they have only one essential task: They must—constantly, continually, and rapidly—adapt to change and innovate.

  • To take best advantage of evolving business technologies, it is essential to stay agile, flexible, and open to change. Which is why in marketing technology, open-source software hits the bullseye.

  • You know all too well what it feels like to have demands thrown at you—especially from your sales team. If it's not a request for a new slide deck or whitepaper, it's something else. And, of course, you can't just make things materialize out of thin air. But there IS a better way. Sponsored by Kompyte.

  • You're interested in Agile Marketing, and you have questions... Here are some answers to some major queries about Agile teams, leaders, measurement, and many other FAQs. Let's dig in.

  • Supply chains throughout our economy will undergo volatile supply and demand shock waves over the next year or more. Most companies' automated supply chain systems will be incapable of handling that volatility, resulting in chaos—unless managers adopt a different way of managing their supply chains.

  • Many businesses that sent employees home during the pandemic are beginning to reopen as politicians attempt to limit the economic damage (albeit prematurely and therefore unwisely, many would say). For some, though, returning to the office means having to again deal with workplace bullies.

  • Today, more than ever before, your customers are online and spending more time on social media platforms. If you need to expand or improve your social media team (internally or externally), you have options. To hire? And whom to hire? Those are the questions.

  • The Coronavirus crisis and crashing economic demand have resulted in rampant downsizing in numerous industries. Depending on how it's done, downsizing can weaken or strengthen your organization—during a crisis and for years afterward. So where should you deploy your precious resources?

  • Amazingly, five generations work together in today's workplaces. And if the Silent Generation is conservative, Boomers are materialistic, Gen X is skeptical, Millennials are narcissistic, Gen Z is impulsive... how well do they work together? Or are those stereotypes just all wrong? Let's find out.

  • What do top-performing sales negotiators do differently? Do they tend to rely more on certain approaches and tactics than other sellers do? RAIN Group surveyed 262 salespeople who work in 26 industries. Here's what it found.

  • These uniquely difficult times are emotionally draining for everyone. Mindfulness fosters calm and inner peace, making people aware of their ability to choose to react immediately or respond thoughtfully.

  • If you look at the list of Fortune 100 companies of 50 years ago, you'll see that most of them no longer exist. Why? Nearly all of them failed because they focused on winning their battles—and in the process they lost their wars. So, how can you win your wars?

  • The COVID-19 pandemic has driven big spikes in interest in telemedicine software, electronic signature tools, and web conferencing platforms, according to recent research from TrustRadius.