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  • In our popular 2019 webinar, Agile marketing pioneer Andrea Fryrear showed us how to apply Agile practices to marketing project management. Now it's time to take things to the next level and learn why creating persistent teams is the key to applying Agile practices to marketing. Sponsored by

  • The tracking systems and fleet management solutions that use location-based technologies such as GPS and telematics have reshaped the way enterprises operate. And the benefits are various and many.

  • Peter McClelland of Threat Sketch, a strategic cyber-risk management company, explains the risks of having your team work from home and shares tips for keeping your marketing organization secure.

  • As marketers scramble to refocus their strategy now that live events are canceled or postponed, it's a struggle to get budgets approved for ideas that will result in ROI similar to events'. Here's how to get buy-in and approval to fill the void created by the pandemic.

  • The Myers-Briggs test can have various business applications, such as determining career path or pairing team members who work well together. Check out some traits of the 16 personality types along with which personality types team up well with each other.

  • Marketers say the shift to remote working spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic is hurting creative collaboration but helping with efficiency, according to recent research from Econsultancy and Marketing Week.

  • "Content operations" refers to everything that helps content marketing efforts run smoothly and drive impact for a business. That includes people, technology, and processes. Marketing needs well-oiled content operations, including these five essential elements.

  • Sales and marketing alignment is beyond critical for any organization. According to the Aberdeen Group, 74% of best-in-class organizations have a strong relationship between sales and marketing. But achieving that alignment can be extremely difficult. Sponsored by Seismic.

  • When we head back to our offices once the pandemic that's disrupted our business and personal lives is over, many of us will have grown accustomed to working from home—on our own schedule. For most of us, continuing to work from home won't be an option. But flextime could well be.

  • You can come up with a marketing strategy that impresses the C-suite, but if you don't have the right people to execute it, your hard work will have been wasted. So how do you attract and keep great marketers who work at their full potential? A people strategy.

  • What's not to like? 24/7 customer service, greater capacity to handle inquiries, fewer operational expenses, improved customer satisfaction... but there are challenges, too. Check out this overview of the benefits and challenges of AI chatbots.

  • Five rules form the cornerstone of an effective customer management program in a time of supply disruption. If you get it right, the upside is enormous. If you get it wrong, you will suffer consequences for years to come.

  • Constantly expanding customer touchpoints and cross-border commerce make the optimization of product listings and data difficult—but no longer optional. Product experience management can help you meet the needs of customers in today's marketplace.

  • You're used to finding marketing know-how and strategy in this space. So the tone and format of this article/letter probably feels a little different to you today. That's because these are unprecedented times. This is NOT business as usual.

  • "The show must go on," but until when, exactly? What do you do when a calamity or crisis turns your conference, training course, or event upside down? Do you continue, cancel, reschedule?

  • With technology advancing at breakneck speed, AI can improve our workday—and our workplace productivity, in general. From simplifying procedures to evaluating information, Artificial Intelligence can provide indispensable assistance to marketers and their companies.

  • Most members of creative teams that develop content say they're struggling to keep up with the speed they are expected to work at and with the volume of work they're expected to tackle, according to recent research from inMotionNow.

  • If you're considering rebuilding your in-house marketing team and reducing your reliance on outside agencies, these are your first steps on the path to gaining more control.

  • Business ethics and social responsibility are a top consideration of customers and employees alike in the age of growing socioeconomic inequality, climate change, and environmental concerns. Being ethical and socially responsible is simply good business.

  • Today, data is the most important ingredient for crafting truly personalized experiences, delighting customers, and delivering exceptional value. The marketer's dilemma in the age of data regulation is how to collect that data. Here's what we need to do.