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  • B2B marketers say the most essential qualities they look for when choosing which influencers to work with are audience relevance and subject-matter expertise, according to recent research from TopRank Marketing.

  • No matter the size of your business, every single customer touchpoint is critical—especially now. And if you're not using a lifecycle marketing approach, you're probably missing out on key opportunities and revenue. It's time to make the shift. Sponsored by Act-On Software.

  • Account-based programs demonstrate higher conversion and close rates than traditional demand programs. So, companies of course want to focus on winning and growing target accounts in the year ahead. But there are ways you can make ABM even more successful and maximize ROI.

  • Discover a new, more effective way to analyze your data in this B2B Backstage keynote with Avinash Kaushik, digital evangelist for Google.

  • Many CMOs at large companies are facing budget cuts because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but most expect the economic climate to return to business as usual in the next 18-24 months, according to recent research from Gartner.

  • Platform fatigue. IP targeting's limitations. Challenges of evaluating campaign performance. The impact of economic uncertainty. The disappearance of in-person events... B2B marketers are facing a host of unresolved issues and questions. Here are some answers.

  • New forms of marketing seem to rise to the top of the priority list every few months. But being able to read and respond to your customers' actions is arguably the most valuable currency for engagement. And, for that, an interactive marketing strategy is a priority.

  • B2B marketers, who relied on tradeshows and conferences, will be itching to go back to how things were before the pandemic hit. But maybe not exactly how things were—because there is a better way to reach people in-person: experiential marketing (yes, for B2B, too).

  • Reopening during and after the pandemic is fraught with challenges but laden with opportunities. For marketers, it's an ideal time to take advantage of new marketing and communications approaches to differentiate your brand for the "new normal" in your industry.

  • Though marketing teams can produce content marketing that resonates with prospects and customers, executive-team buy-in and participation can elevate their efforts and open more opportunities to attract higher numbers of qualified leads.

  • The ability to engage meaningfully with customers matters more now than ever. It starts with empathy and an ability to prioritize the marketing activities that will create the most connection. Sponsored by UserTesting.

  • Business buyers are inundated with pitches and content, most of which isn't relevant to them. That's good news for B2B marketers: Your prospects are hungry for a personalized experience. Here are three practical ways to make your ABM more successful.

  • Unusual times call for unusual thinking and strategic engagements. In the current business environment, to fully realize the objectives of live events that can't take place, take the path mapped out in this article to deliver an experience that exceeds expectations.

  • The two biggest challenges facing companies trying to execute account-based marketing (ABM) programs are data quality issues and a lack of budget, according to recent research from Demandbase.

  • You may not be in the baseball business, but there's a lot you can learn about marketing from Oakland Athletics VP of Operations and former General Manager, Billy Beane. This webinar is no longer available, but you can get a taste of what you missed by watching the after show on-demand.

  • Outsourcing content creation and relinquishing some control over your content can be stressful. But you can maintain a collaborative relationship with your content partner to execute a content strategy that achieves your content marketing goals. Here's practical advice for doing that.

  • Nearly three-quarters of organizers of B2B exhibitions say they've had to cancel at least one in-person event because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to recent research from The Center for Exhibition Industry Research (CEIR).

  • Consistently generating high-quality leads lies at the heart of an effective B2B marketing strategy, helping to drive revenue and ensure sustained growth.

  • As marketers consider their options for providing digital event opportunities, one question is top of mind: How do you create an engaging attendee experience? The key is to make real connections in a virtual way. These three tips will help.

  • You know what's not only extremely short-sighted but also potentially disastrous? Assuming the current public-health crisis is a temporary pause in business-as-usual. You can't afford to wait for "it" to pass. To put yourself in a better position now and down the road, try these five strategies.