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  • Here are the 2020 B2C content marketing research results from MarketingProfs and Content Marketing Institute. See what key actions and approaches you can take to improve your own content marketing program.

  • Revenue operations is a hot trend in B2B marketing. But what is it, why has it continued to gain traction, and—most important—how can marketers benefit from it? Here are answers, including three reasons why marketers should embrace revenue operations.

  • As an owner of a small business, you've indulged in dreams of expansion. With a little belt-tightening, it's well within your reach. These three ideas will help streamline your business and get you ready to scale up.

  • "Chief revenue officer," "vice-president of revenue operations," "director of revenue ops..." Within the past couple of years, the number of management titles containing "revenue" has shot up on LinkedIn. What's going on?

  • With 2020 all but here, marketers are thinking about what opportunities, trends, threats, and possibilities the New Year might bring. Here's what 20+ marketing influencers say marketing leaders will be confronting in 2020.

  • It's no secret that the holiday shopping season can have an outsize impact on a small business's revenue for the year. Here are four areas businesses should prioritize.

  • New digital experiences continue to disrupt customer journeys, leading marketers to rethink the traditional funnel. A new customer journey has taken shape, creating more meaningful touchpoints and potentially leading to increased revenue.

  • Creativity can be highly useful in marketing, but it won't get you very far if your message strategy is off the mark. Because message strategy is the foundation for everything you do in marketing. Here's how to build a foundation that doesn't crumble.

  • Learn why you should outline your competitive intelligence (CI) priorities and how you can quickly make an impact in your organization. If you're not defining your CI priorities, you're setting yourself up for failure. Avoid that costly mistake.

  • Much has been written recently about how consumers should be the "owners of their data." But can marketers perform customer analytics while respecting customers' wishes and following the law? Are we on a collision course, or is there a better way?

  • These days, e-commerce businesses have more marketing options at their fingertips than ever before. It can be easy to choose the wrong ones. As a result, many e-commerce companies are losing out on some seriously lucrative revenue streams.

  • This infographic outlines and debunks persistent myths about mom-and-pop shops and offers seven actionable tips to help small businesses compete and thrive against big retailers.

  • The new year is right around the corner, and marketers are making their budget lists and checking them twice... Here's a look at how marketers are prioritizing digital spend for the year ahead.

  • Paid search and social are both performance channels with particular strengths and weaknesses. Used intelligently together, these two channels combine for a powerhouse multichannel campaign. Here's what you need to know to successfully integrate your search and social campaigns.

  • Launching a new product can be a lot like throwing a dart at a map—while the map is in another room, the power is out, and you're fresh from the optometrist and your pupils are dilated... But you don't have to launch products—or even campaigns—with guesswork. Here's what to do instead.

  • Are you planning to produce—or have you already begun producing—content in connection with the upcoming holiday season? Here is an abundance of insights to inform your approach to holiday-season content.

  • At some point, we all learned about the 4Ps of marketing: place, price, product, and promotion. Those still hold weight, but marketing has been undergoing drastic changes, and companies now face a host of new challenges. These new 4Ps of marketing are the way forward.

  • If you're not already doing ABM, then you're likely thinking about doing it. Taking a tiered approach allows you to scale your efforts. Here's how to win the biggest, most attractive deals in your market.

  • Consumers, especially Millennial consumers, are expected to spend more on gifts this holiday season compared with last holiday season, according to recent research from OpenX and The Harris Poll.

  • The entire retail industry is at a crossroads: store closures, CMO reshuffles, and competition from Amazon. But retailers still have a lucrative opportunity to differentiate themselves and win over undecided shoppers, who are large in number. Here's how.