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  • Is your brand relevant to the various audiences—customers, influencers, the media—you want to reach? More specifically, how can you find the untapped opportunities for establishing relevance? How can you identify what they want so you can provide it?

  • Every salesperson wants a healthy pipeline, but many don't have a reliable way to take its temperature. Beyond just "healthy" or "dry," what do you need to look at to truly gauge the health of a sales pipeline? These nine important pipeline metrics.

  • Most marketers say it takes too long to turn data into actionable intelligence, and then too long for that actionable intelligence to be applied to campaigns, according to recent research from the CMO Council.

  • Data science is the hottest thing since sliced bread. In fact, LinkedIn has indicated that open job positions for data scientists are up a whopping 11,500% year over year. Yet many marketers feel like data science is an unreachable, mystical discipline shrouded in mystery. Sponsored by InfoUSA.

  • Most brands measure the success of transactional emails by looking at opens, clicks, or the delivery rate, according to recent research from SparkPost.

  • Companies invest billions in data, analytics, and technology to better target and predict customer behavior. We are collecting more data than we know what to do with, so we think we no longer need qualitative research. Big mistake: We need to go beyond data to truly understand the customer.

  • You can't carry on launching marketing campaigns, creating content, and paying your team just because you think marketing efforts are affecting your sales in some positive way. You need data that tells you what's working and what isn't. Marketing analytics tools to the rescue.

  • Marketing is not about bombarding customers with messages and hoping they'll purchase a product; it's about gathering data and listening to what they want. Here are four ways to use data to deliver the end-to-end experience customers are craving.

  • Big Data is taking over. Most of its seemingly obvious payoffs are mirages at best, or quicksand at worst, whereas others hold the potential for high returns. So, what are the keys to Big Data success?

  • If you're like most marketers, you know your programs are performing well but you may not have all of the data you need to defend and expand your marketing budget. But how do you report your successes in a way that management will "get it?" Sponsored by LeanData.

  • Shopper behavior is fundamentally different during the holidays. Marketers can't rely on the same data and algorithms that they leverage at other times of the year. If brands don't adjust to holiday shopping behavior, it could cost them big.

  • Much has been written recently about how consumers should be the "owners of their data." But can marketers perform customer analytics while respecting customers' wishes and following the law? Are we on a collision course, or is there a better way?

  • Launching a new product can be a lot like throwing a dart at a map—while the map is in another room, the power is out, and you're fresh from the optometrist and your pupils are dilated... But you don't have to launch products—or even campaigns—with guesswork. Here's what to do instead.

  • We know that serious social media influencers can create an "unfair advantage" for you because they are trusted and their audiences listen to them daily. The big question for marketers isn't whether influencers create value for brands. It's what that value is—or, more specifically, how do we measure it.

  • Brands have near-universal visibility into email opens and clicks, and excellent visibility into bounces. But those metrics lack the depth and granularity needed to truly understand what's driving your successes and failures. We need these three KPIs instead.

  • For most marketing teams, the top success metric is leads. But as marketers and sales team members alike will tell you, not all leads are created equal. How can you pass along only the best, most-qualified leads to Sales? Here's what you need to know.

  • Wouldn't you love to have a better customer (and competitor) insights strategy that you could turn into creative, targeted, and effective campaigns? With the right research and processes, you can. Sponsored by Melissa Direct.

  • The modern buyer's journey is more complex than ever, with countless routes to reach the holy grail: the purchase. So, how can you best collect the data you need and gain the insights you want from your customers and prospects? We'll show you everything you need to win at analyzing customer behavior—and unearth a goldmine.

  • Learn how to become a data-driven organization from Linda Schumacher, senior director of analytics and data strategy at CX company Qualified Digital.

  • The rise of artificial intelligence is dramatically changing the way businesses understand and communicate with their audiences. Nowhere is that truer than in the fields of experience management (XM) and marketing research. See five ways AI is the future of research.