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  • These are the five key KPIs that marketers must regularly measure. You'll learn how to measure them, followed by tips on how to improve the performance of each.

  • Data can help deliver insights that marketing leaders can use to collaborate with CEOs, CFOs, and sales leaders. And these four essential data points and relationship-building strategies will help you demonstrate ROI and Marketing's value.

  • Got big questions about using data for marketing? Learn how to collect it, analyze it, and use it in a smart way. Check out today's infographic.

  • An effective B2B email marketing strategy has much less to do with email, per se, than you might think. The best programs nurture and engage leads while also working to close deals. Which is where managing your contact database comes into play.

  • In this online seminar, you'll discover how to harness the power of analytics. From establishing clear business goals to improving the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most, you'll learn the specific steps needed to create an actionable analytics strategy that will provide campaign insights and performance metrics, and deliver the crucial benchmarks for success.

  • From raising awareness, to educating prospects, to completing the transaction, to enhancing customer service and beyond, predictive analytics can help you anticipate customers' needs and desires throughout their circuitous buying journey.

  • Why in this digital world would you operate your digital marketing communications without a solid strategy and plan? Set your foundation on the right footing now, and you'll save time (and money) later. Here's how.

  • Marketing attribution is becoming a business imperative, but focusing on measurement is a new competency for many marketing teams. So how do you prepare? What initiatives do you need to think through? Here's how to kick-start your attribution efforts.

  • In this Teach Me How seminar, you'll learn how to add and manage your marketing tags with Google Tag Manager without getting all technical and digging into code. You'll discover how to gain insight into the source and behavior of your visitors so you can understand their needs to give them a better experience.

  • From rules such as think big but start small and with the basics, to take an action-based approach, pick your battles, and beware of small sample sizes... in this article you'll get sound advice about data-driven marketing.

  • Marketing used to be an art. These days, it’s more like a science—we can now understand whether our creativity made any difference, just how compelling our messaging is, and how to refine it—and more—for better results. It’s all a matter of measuring, tracking, and analyzing the right way.

  • Brand tracking—collecting data from a static group of consumers on a regular basis—can assess and scrutinize shifts in KPIs and consumer attitudes and behaviors. You can track and benchmark everything from brand awareness to customer satisfaction to the effectiveness of an ad campaign.

  • Today's survey tools allow marketers to add more flourishes than ever to customer feedback surveys. But, it turns out, less is more when asking customers for input. See which top 3 feedback misconceptions most need busting.

  • Digital video's best-practices are becoming increasingly apparent—and, with them, ROI performance is improving. Digital video is moving from a branding to a sales and branding tool. Here's what you need to know.

  • Most consumers say they do not take the time to fill out customer feedback surveys thoughtfully, according to recent research from Customer Thermometer.

  • "Big Data" is more than just a buzzword—implementing it correctly can be a boon to your business and bottom line. Learn more about how to use Big Data in your organization.

  • If you want your marketing and your business to succeed, you need to make the most of your lead generation campaigns and achieve the highest-possible ROI. Here are a few ways you can do that.

  • The revenue number can hide successes as well as problems, and it tells you little about your customers. Here are six key performance indicators that are better at measuring the pulse of your business.

  • See what's happening in performance marketing in Europe—and whether you're up to speed with trends there.

  • Radius Senior Vice-President of Marketing Shari Johnston discusses how marketing operations has evolved so that Marketing now directly contributes to an organization's revenue strategy.