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  • What Google Analytics data should marketers home in on to help executives understand the impact of marketing content and online efforts on delivering value through the sales funnel?

  • Email marketers don't often go too far beyond conversion-, click-, and open-rate data. Yet, to create email campaigns that engage your subscribers and increase ROI, you'll need to.

  • Full-Funnel Marketing author Matt Heinz explains why (and how) marketers should embrace revenue-based metrics to demonstrate Marketing's impact on the organization.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll discuss why the 'test everything' mentality is wrong and potentially dangerous for your company. We'll share why split testing, one of the most used CRO tools, is not the be-all end-all of optimization, and cover when it's appropriate to test and when it's not. You'll leave with best practices you can leverage and apply to your campaigns and landing pages.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll discuss why the 'test everything' mentality is wrong and potentially dangerous for your company. We'll share why split testing, one of the most used CRO tools, is not the be-all end-all of optimization, and cover when it's appropriate to test and when it's not. You'll leave with best practices you can leverage and apply to your campaigns and landing pages.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll discuss why the 'test everything' mentality is wrong and potentially dangerous for your company. We'll share why split testing, one of the most used CRO tools, is not the be-all end-all of optimization, and cover when it's appropriate to test and when it's not. You'll leave with best practices you can leverage and apply to your campaigns and landing pages.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll discuss why the 'test everything' mentality is wrong and potentially dangerous for your company. We'll share why split testing, one of the most used CRO tools, is not the be-all end-all of optimization, and cover when it's appropriate to test and when it's not. You'll leave with best practices you can leverage and apply to your campaigns and landing pages.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll discuss why the 'test everything' mentality is wrong and potentially dangerous for your company. We'll share why split testing, one of the most used CRO tools, is not the be-all end-all of optimization, and cover when it's appropriate to test and when it's not. You'll leave with best practices you can leverage and apply to your campaigns and landing pages.

  • In this PRO seminar, we'll discuss why the 'test everything' mentality is wrong and potentially dangerous for your company. We'll share why split testing, one of the most used CRO tools, is not the be-all end-all of optimization, and cover when it's appropriate to test and when it's not. You'll leave with best practices you can leverage and apply to your campaigns and landing pages.

  • MMM and attribution measure the value and performance of your marketing activities. Both are sophisticated models for measuring cross-channel marketing activities, but they work in different ways, for different reasons.

  • Navigating call-tracking offerings can be difficult, especially if you're not sure of what to look for in a provider. Keep these four things in mind as a checklist of criteria when shopping for call-analytics software.

  • Calls from search, social, and display ads are often the most lucrative type of conversion, but also the most difficult for marketers to measure and optimize. Here's a basic lesson in how call attribution works and how it can benefit you.

  • Without a doubt, data and analytics have become central to every organization's business strategy. Find out how to enable your marketing organization to successfully use data and analytics to drive business decisions.

  • Are you getting the most out of segmentation, or are you leaving money on the table? Here are seven common mistakes to avoid.

  • By ensuring that your marketing encourages repeat business, brand loyalty, and customer referrals, you give your business the kind of boost that can't come from any other source. But how do you go about doing that?

  • In this PRO seminar, you'll discover how getting 'scrappy' can help you put brains before budget and simplify your marketing in today's complex world. We'll share a range of strategic frameworks as well as tactical tips that will provide you with a reliable system for rethinking marketing as marketing re-thinks itself.

  • In this PRO seminar, you'll discover how getting 'scrappy' can help you put brains before budget and simplify your marketing in today's complex world. We'll share a range of strategic frameworks as well as tactical tips that will provide you with a reliable system for rethinking marketing as marketing re-thinks itself.

  • In this PRO seminar, you'll discover how getting 'scrappy' can help you put brains before budget and simplify your marketing in today's complex world. We'll share a range of strategic frameworks as well as tactical tips that will provide you with a reliable system for rethinking marketing as marketing re-thinks itself.

  • In this PRO seminar, you'll discover how getting 'scrappy' can help you put brains before budget and simplify your marketing in today's complex world. We'll share a range of strategic frameworks as well as tactical tips that will provide you with a reliable system for rethinking marketing as marketing re-thinks itself.

  • More than ever, we B2B marketers are held accountable for driving revenue—and proving that we are. If you're struggling with measuring your content's value, here are three sets of metrics to track—and tips on how you can track them.