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  • How are your media-monitoring efforts going? Is your team getting all the actionable insights it needs—or does it seem like you're falling behind and you're constantly frustrated with your current solution? If you're considering a refresh, this Meltwater demo offers an under-the-hood look at its monitoring platform. Sponsored by Meltwater.

  • Many PR agencies measure campaign success only by the volume of media engagements, but there's much more to marcomms success than that. Learn about the three best metrics for measuring PR campaigns.

  • Ursula Ringham, head of global influencer marketing for SAP, joins us to talk about influencer marketing, building communities, and going to college for 30 years.

  • Customer trust is at an all-time low. But marketing with truth and honesty isn't only about integrity—it actually increases your company's profitability. Here's how.

  • In the era of "fake news," getting someone to trust your content is not an easy task. But customers are more prepared to trust brands and businesses than other sources. Here's how to take advantage of it.

  • Public relations plays an important role in getting a company's message out to the world. Learn how to grow your business by adding a PR to your marketing toolkit.

  • Speaker, author, and influence marketing expert Jason Falls shares tips and insights from his new book, Winfluence: Reframing Influencer Marketing to Reignite Your Brand.

  • Survey-based research is a great way to generate compelling content for your brand—but only when your data is good and your reporting is trustworthy. Get it right with a simple four-step model, a set of survey best-practices, and an understanding of how to report the data. Sponsored by SurveyMonkey.

  • Launching a new product or service comes with plenty of PR headaches. Your press release announcing your news shouldn't be one of them. Still, marketers commit one of the biggest mistakes of a launch when they get the press release wrong. Here's how to get it right.

  • As a marketer, are you telling stories that connect, or are you treating your audience like an algorithm would? People are craving connection, especially now, so it's time to humanize your company's communication in these seven ways.

  • Bonnie Rothman and Judy Kalvin from Company B show us ways to humanize our brand, teach us how to start thinking about our brand as legendary, and show the power of a well-told founder's story.

  • Thought leadership needs a rethink. Articles and interviews that focus on tactics and coincide with product launches don't have the impact they once did. People are craving stories that guide and inspire. Here's how to get thought leadership right.

  • Do you have what it takes to be a "Great Communicator?" From Washington and Lincoln to Reagan and Obama, learn the communication secrets of our chief executives and put them to work for you. This presentation by Nick Westergaard was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • The biggest challenge ahead for influencer marketing? No, it's not measurement or fake followers/engagement (although, those are also important!). It's the very way we think about and categorize influencers. This presentation by Jason Falls was recorded live at #mpb2b 2020 and is available exclusively to PRO subscribers.

  • Link-building is an indispensable part of B2B marketing. But what are the best ways to grow your site's backlink profile? This article will guide you through the most effective and sustainable link-building strategies.

  • Have you ever come to the end of an influencer marketing campaign only to wonder, how can I tell if it was a success? There's only one way to find out: choosing the right metrics and analyzing measurable results. Get ready. Get set. Get out your calculator. It's time to do the math!

  • When attempting to execute a successful earned-media strategy, it is hugely beneficial for a firm's marketing and communications teams to be aligned.

  • In the fleeting digital world, empathy toward your customers is an invaluable asset. But companies that fail to let their audience peek into their own human side also fail to build trustful and lasting customer relationships. Doubly so in B2B. Here's how you can solve that problem.

  • Whether it's a global pandemic or a data breach, a crisis of any kind can negatively impact your company's operations and reputation. So, what can marketers say and do to keep customers informed and satisfied until the crisis is over? Here's useful advice.

  • Most public relations professionals say they're confident about the value they've been providing during COVID-19 but they are also grappling with more burnout and stress because of the pandemic, according to recent research from BuzzStream and Fractl.