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  • Measurement

    Learning Path

    It's easier than ever to track and report on marketing results. With the super-practical, easy-to-follow guidance you get in this learning path, you'll be checking metrics, interpreting data, making adjustments, and presenting your marketing program and campaign analytics results like a whiz.

  • Email marketing campaigns have the potential to deliver an off-the-chart return on investment. In this learning path you'll find everything you need to run a successful email campaign from start to finish. You'll also learn how to analyze each campaign to improve your future results.

  • Account-Based Marketing

    Learning Path

    A well-executed account-based marketing campaign gives you an edge over the competition. With deep insights into the needs and pain points of key decision-makers at your target accounts, you're able to deliver highly relevant, exceptionally personalized experiences that close the big sales.

  • Buyer-centric demand generation is all about putting your customer first. Simple enough, if done right. But to do it right requires setting aside time for planning, the careful creation of assets for your campaign, a good understanding of multi-channel customer engagement, and a data-driven mindset. Not so simple.

  • More leads. More conversions. More revenue. You want it all. You deserve it all. Welcome! You've come to the right place. Here you'll learn how to plan, launch, and optimize a content marketing campaign that doesn't just deliver results... it absolutely delights your audience. A well-executed content marketing campaign puts you in front of those who otherwise wouldn't have found you. Let's go.