You might wonder whether the stories you tell in email marketing campaigns should be long or short. In a pair of posts from Chad White at the Retail Email Blog, you'll discover that it, well, depends. He offers two examples. 

According to White, Neiman-Marcus has been incorporating brief quotes from designers in its email campaigns, a tactic that lends messages the editorial feel of a fashion magazine. He highlights one example in which Steve Giner of Tano describes a purse he designed: "While waiting at a local pizza place, my wife's Japanese friend began folding a paper place mat into an origami swan. She gave us a 'crash course' in paper swan making, and the idea for our 'Crash Course' handbag was born!"

The anecdote is short-and-sweet, but adds extra dimension to an otherwise straightforward product shot. "Do you have opportunities to be the conduit for the authoritative voice of your product designers and suppliers?" asks White.

He also praises a longer story told in an email from Doctors Foster and Smith. In a lengthy paragraph, we learn that Baron, a German Shepherd, was diagnosed with heartworm disease after his owner neglected to take preventive measures the previous spring and summer. Says White, "Saying you should buy heartworm medication doesn't have nearly the same impact as conveying a real-world case where a lack of diligence resulted in several visits to the vet and mortal risks to the pet."

The Po!nt: Spin a good yarn. Whether long or short, the right story can add depth and interest to your email message.

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