"If you think your website content isn't working for you," says Rick Sloboda of Webcopyplus, "you're probably right. And the realization that you need something better is a step in the right direction. But what's the next step?"

He recommends a brainstorming process that wipes the slate clean with two fundamental questions:

  • What content will encourage sales of my product or service?
  • What content will encourage visitors buy from me and not from a competitor?

"Once you've got some ideas," he says, "start thinking about what your visitors might want to do on your website, and what content would help them complete those tasks."

After you create a list of topics your website should cover, describe why that content is necessary. "This will ensure that every topic, large or small, has a purpose," notes Sloboda.

So if your topic is Read About Our Creative Team, for instance, your notes might look like this:

  • What content do I need? Profiles and pictures of individuals on the team, including a list of their projects, credentials and awards.
  • Why do I need it? To put a public face on the team, so visitors can see the team is qualified, talented and friendly.

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