Based on the premise that data's no fun (and no use!) without insight, BrandZ has launched BrandZ 100, an iPhone app that takes its annual Top 100 Brands Report and actually makes it fun to read.

Developed by IconMobile, the app—decked out in crisp black, white and red—takes you straight to a colorful index, where you can review the top global brands of '09 by region, category, top risers, newcomers, or in descending order. (Google crowns the list this year, FYI.)

Alongside each brand name is its real-time value, percentage change in value, and the brand's rank change within the list.

But that's not the best part! Give your phone a saucy shake to see tag clouds of top brands by category—all in different colors! A quick wiggle (and a glimpse at our phones) tells us:

  • Aquafina tops the Bottled Water category.
  • Nescafé rules the roast in Coffee.
  • Google is still tops in Tech, followed by Microsoft and Apple.

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