In a video at, Israeli conductor Itay Talgam gives a spirited 20-minute talk on what modern leaders could learn from great conductors.

Interestingly, a lot of the principles he presents in the video can apply to nourishing a social-media campaign. Here are some of his words of wisdom that can cross over beautifully from the world of music to the social-media environment:

Use a natural touch to find harmony. "Joy is about enabling other people's stories to be heard at the same time," Talgam says. In an orchestra, each instrument tells a unique story, and they all have to be told at once. A conductor's job is to ensure those tales find a common harmony and convey a unified message. Crucially, he does this with the gentlest of gestures, Talgam notes.

Use only what's needed for the show. Just as a symphony isn't a dog-and-pony show of every musical instrument ever, participating in social media isn't about being everywhere, all the time. It's about understanding how your target uses certain tools, then embedding yourself in a nonintrusive, constructive way.

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