In a post at the Email Karma blog, Matt Vernhout discusses recent layoffs at AOL and the challenges facing employees who remain. "The individuals [who] do end up making it past the latest round of layoffs and buyouts will now have a major increase in workload," he notes.

We can assume AOL isn't the only ISP feeling the layoff pinch. So the next time you have a deliverability issue, consider Vernhout's advice for dealing with a possibly diminished customer-service team at your ISP:

First of all, if you can fix it yourself, do it yourself. Begin by reviewing your mailing metrics and searching logs for error codes. Those codes could identify a problem that you can resolve yourself. "High bounces, low opens, [and] poor coding can all easily be fixed on your own," Vernhout says.

Hire an email-delivery consultant. If the problem is just too big, consult with an expert. "They have seen it all and can possibly identify and help resolve an issue you didn't even know you had," he notes. 

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