"The basic method of gaining a subscriber is simply asking someone to sign up for your mailing list," writes David Godot in a Pro article at MarketingProfs. "If a customer or client is already an engaged consumer and trusts you, then there is a good chance that customer will say yes right away." But what about everyone else? 

Not to worry. Godot outlines nine techniques, including these, for building a solid list of opt-in subscribers:

Make it easy and convenient for website visitors to subscribe. "We usually encourage people to include a sign-up form on every page of their site," notes Godot, "above the fold, so that it is prominent and easy to spot." But you don't have to stop there; you can also create a page dedicated to email subscriptions, he notes. "It works like any other sales page," he continues, "but you will find that conversions will be much higher because you are simply asking for some basic information rather than a purchase."

Become a thought leader with a content-rich blog. According to Godot, the time-consuming, effort-intensive process of blogging isn't for everyone—especially companies staffed by only one or two people. But the payoff can be substantial. "Not only will you find more people signing up for your lists," he says, you will also "experience better conversion rates because of the trust you have already built with your audience."

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