"Customer loyalty matters, because selling more to current customers is easier and cheaper than finding and selling to new ones," writes Chintan Bharwada in an article at MarketingProfs. "Loyal customers tend to buy more, more regularly. And they will frequently recommend your business to others."

In the midst of a sluggish recovery—and with the prospect of a second dip—customer retention is more important than ever. Bharwada suggests 10 ways to earn ongoing loyalty from your customers. Here are a few highlights:

Cultivate a brand that speaks to your customers in a meaningful way. "Branding that builds genuine customer loyalty goes beyond what the eye can see," he notes. "It's branding at the emotional, sensory, and gut-feeling level."

Pay attention to the motivations, values and priorities of your customers. "Being tuned in to what customers want and being sensitive to their evolving needs will help you become more resourceful and innovative over time."

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