"Writing marketing content for technology companies is not so much writing as it is translation from a foreign language," writes Cheryl Goldberg in a post on the High-Tech Communicator blog. "It involves taking highly technical information that only an engineer could love and transforming it into something that a business person understands—and more importantly, finds useful." So how can you translate effectively?

Here are four tips from Goldberg:

  1. Learn the basics. Before writing, you must master the content completely, and that may require interviewing an engineer or two. Engineers can usually explain things better in conversation than they can write about them, says Goldberg.
  2. Ask questions about features. Writes Goldberg: "[T]o identify the true benefit of a feature, keep asking why that feature is important to a particular user until you feel you've really got it."
  3. Add background. Don't ignore the developmental history of the technology. The background information often puts the technology into perspective, making it more compelling.
  4. Present ideas logically. Once you understand the features and benefits, "string the pieces together into a logical flow that tells a story," says Goldberg. Often, such a narrative will center on problem that is solved by—surprise—a new technology.

The Po!nt: By translating technospeak into business-oriented language, you can transform good information about your technology into a great message that sells.

Source: High-Tech Communicator.

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