In a recent Search Agents post, Mary Hayes reports that Forrester Research forecasts "marketing spend on mobile display ads and search will surpass $1 billion in 2011."

She advises marketers that, if they haven't already done so, now is the time to jump on the mobile bandwagon. But Hayes also cautions search marketers. Before making the jump to mobile search, first understand the fundamental differences between PC and mobile-device users—and their preferences—she says.

Based on recent tips from Michael Martin and Keith Posehn, Hayes describes these key questions to ask about your mobile audience:

  • Action: What does your audience want to achieve?
  • Context: What is specific to their situation?
  • Location: Where are they?
  • Mood: How are they feeling?

Hayes offers additional tips for crafting a mobile marketing strategy:

Remember the 15-Second Rule. Mobile users want to find, not search, Hayes says. Determine what you want the user to do, then ask, "Can they do it in 15 seconds?" she advises. "Chances are, if they can't, you've lost them for good."

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