"Why does content matter?" writes Erika Potter at the OrangeSoda blog. "It's simple: credibility. Without credibility, your chance of converting viewers into customers goes downhill fast. It's vital that visitors to your site see your online business as a trusted resource." 

To help you ensure that your online content is credible, Potter offers advice like this:

Check—and double check—your spelling and grammar. No matter what product or service you sell, misspelled words and incorrect grammar can have a disastrous effect on your credibility. If you're sloppy about an article, the reader can fairly infer you're sloppy in other areas, too. Even professional writers make mistakes; be sure to use a spell checker and proofread before you publish.

Keep it short and sweet. People read online content differently than printed material; too much information on one page can actually work against you. So get right to the point and break up larger chunks of copy with headlines and bullet points. "If you choose to create pages with an extensive amount of content," notes Potter, "just make sure it's relevant."

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