Over time, it has become clear that B2B websites need to incorporate a few fundamental elements to effectively and efficiently serve visitors. But many companies still don't get those elements right, Paul Hatcher argues in a recent Base One whitepaper.

According to Hatcher, there are five big mistakes B2B companies consistently make that render their websites ineffective.

We've highlighted a few of his points here—to create a handy primer on how not to build a great B2B site:

Don't define your vision. Probably the most important factor in the site design process is to "have a good collaborative team and a clear vision that everybody involved can buy into," Hatcher notes. Ignore him. Just slap something up there.

Ignore user needs and usability. Don't bother to define your users before you begin, either. Craft your content from your perspective, not theirs. Don’t create user funnels through the site to lead them in and engage them; they'll find what they want eventually.

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