If your email marketing campaign doesn't generate the kind of ROI you expect, take a look at your typical call to action (CTA). Does it tell a customer how to take the next step? Does it create a sense of urgency?

"When your audience is left with no direction and no urgency, you'll probably receive little or no return on your investment," writes Tara Hornor in an article at MarketingProfs.

To remedy the situation, consider Horner's tips like these:

Lead off with a strong verb. Get right to the point with a no-nonsense verb that tells a subscriber what to do—read, call, click. Being so blunt might feel impolite, but in the context of a CTA, it's what she expects.

Make it snappy. You only get a few seconds to convince a subscriber he'll regret not clicking on your link. A memorable catchphrase like "Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance" can do the trick.

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