It looks like companies may talk the talk of customer service, but not that many walk the walk. That's the finding of a recent study by the CMO Council. As reported by Internet Retailer, the study's results show that, "Despite overwhelming agreement on the importance of the customer experience and subsequent word-of-mouth, senior marketers admit their companies are failing to take decisive, companywide action to integrate feedback from customers and their experiences into key business and marketing processes." Tsk, tsk.

The study, "Giving Customer Voice More Volume," conducted along with Satmetrix, reveals that 38% of the execs surveyed say their companies have no programs in place to track or propagate positive word-of-mouth among customers. Plus, only 29% rate highly their ability to handle and resolve customer problems or complaints. Wow.

So, what's a good company to do? Here are a few ways to show you care:

  • Put a formal program into place to monitor and measure the "voice of the customer."
  • Develop an efficient system to collect, analyze and distribute customer feedback. In real time, if you can manage it.
  • Track your word-of-mouth on the Internet. Do it!

"Companies must become more sophisticated and committed to both leveraging customer experience as a key business metric and instituting companywide processes that drive improvement," concludes Laura Brooks, VP of research at Satmetrix.

The Po!nt: Take better care of your customers. Remember: if they aren't talking with you, they may well be talking about you—across the Internet.

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