How do audience size and engagement level on social media vary among various B2B industries?

To find out, TrackMaven examined full-year 2015 data from 316 leading B2B brands on five social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter).

Professional services companies have the largest median Social media audience size, the analysis found. Computer hardware firms have the next biggest median audience size, followed by software companies.

All but three of the 17 B2B industries examined in the report have their largest social media audiences on LinkedIn. Among B2B industries, professional services brands have the largest median LinkedIn audience (1.2 million followers).

The B2B industries with the largest audiences on social media do not necessarily have the highest engagement levels, nor do they have the highest audience growth rates, the analysis found.

Biotech brands have the most engaged social media audiences of the industries examined, with an average engagement ratio of 12.46 interactions per post.

The machinery sector had the highest social media audience growth rate in 2015, with an average increase of 129% for brands in the space.

About the research: The report was based on full-year 2015 data from 316 leading B2B brands on five key social networks (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Twitter).

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