Show length 22:52

00:46 What was the greatest product before sliced bread? Write an iTunes review for Marketing Over Coffee, and Snake Oil.

02:32 Seven Copywriting tips from Michael Port’s, “Book Yourself Solid

04:30 Related tips on Cover Letters and NLP

06:15 Jeff Cutler asks “What if you need to get out of Google or Technorati?”

10:52 Avoid destroying your own brand on MySpace or Facebook

11:37 When to use Online Calendar services such as Upcoming, Google Calendar, and Eventbrite.

14:50 What is Virtualization? Using it to run Windows on a Mac.

17:50 New Year’s Marketing Resolution - Read Mashable, avoid the deadpool, update resume, backup your laptop, connect to us on LinkedIn (Chris’ Profile) (John’s Profile)

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MarketingProfs Podcast: Copywriting, Online Calendar Services and Resolutions

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