World-class? Killer? Taking business to the next level? Yuck. Are you using those lazy, meaningless words in your copy? Maybe you're using other marketing buzzwords that make your readers and listeners cringe... 

Buzzwords do sometimes sneak into our speech and copy, so we need to be mindful of what we say and write. When we aren't mindful, we create reactions like those mentioned in the following slideshow. (One reaction was: ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.)

After publishing the first buzzwords slide show, 15 Marketing Buzzwords to Stop Using, we received plenty of illustration-worthy comments both on the post itself and on the SlideShare page.

Unable to resist the opportunity to illustrate such buzzwords like "icon" and expressions like "take this offline," I created a follow-up illustrated slide show, inspired by our witty readers. As a sequel to the 15 Marketing Buzzwords to Stop Using, here are 10 Marketing Buzzwords to Stop Using Right Now.

Here's a look at some of the buzzwords included in the slide show...

From the Business of Women: "Marketing Expression to Stop Using: 'To the next level.' What? Do you mean upstairs?" (Click to tweet!)

From Melanie Kissell: "Marketing Buzzword to Stop Using: Killer. Killer should be killed. Let's help it find its way six feet under." (Click to tweet!)

From Lyn Meany: "Marketing Buzzword to Stop Using: Icon. These days, everyone is an icon, and everything is iconic." (Click to tweet!)

Check out the illustrated slide show for more buzzwords to stop using right now!

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10 Marketing Buzzwords to Stop Using Right Now

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski