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  • Creating content that engages readers isn't easy, especially today. In our haste to create fresh, useful content, we make mistakes. But our audiences don't want to waste time on substandard writing. Avoid these nine common writing and content mistakes.

  • Delivering personalized content at scale requires a strategic effort that applies to various marketing strategies: inbound, demand generation, account-based marketing, and sales enablement. Here are some best-practices for delivering personalized content for each of those four strategies.

  • Konstanze Alex, Dell's director B2B influencer relations and content co-creation, offers insights from the company's success using influencer marketing for B2B.

  • In far too many businesses, marketing and sales teams maintain radio silence between each other, even though each has plenty to offer the other—especially regarding content. If only they could team-up, their collaboration would mean less wheel-spinning and more success for both.

  • Wouldn't it be useful if you had a checklist to make sure your search engine optimization (SEO) is Web-worthy in 2019? You do now... Check out this comprehensive infographic.

  • B2B content is clearly not up to the task, according to B2B decision-makers who say it tends to be fluffy, irrelevant, misleading... When your marketing content is not fit enough to perform as it should, what can you do? Whip it into shape fast with these 10 core marketing exercises.

  • Creating great content is not enough. How can you make sure the sales team is using your latest and greatest materials—and that the content is resonating with prospects? This demo of ClearSlide's software will show you how.

  • Content marketing helps shape your company's place in the marketplace. The key to creating content that drives website visits, improves conversion, and creates brand lift is understanding what your audience needs and how you can best provide it. Make sure your content marketing can compete.

  • Some niche businesses think a small social presence and a semi-decent website are enough to engage customers in the age of digital marketing. Not even close, of course... So, what do successful customer engagements look like in the age of digital transformation?

  • MarketingProfs Chief Content Officer, best-selling author, and global keynote speaker Ann Handley shares her secret to writing addictive email newsletters.

  • Businesses worldwide are jumping onto technological advancements and changes in marketing. If you're not prioritizing digital marketing, you're merely giving your competitors a chance to get ahead. See just how important digital marketing is for businesses today.

  • You've likely sat through dozens of terrible presentations—and you're right to feel you were robbed of your time. Avoid subjecting your own audiences to the same fate with your own presentations: Apply these content marketing principles to create and deliver stellar presentations.

  • Storytelling Summit for Marketers presenter and Brandscaping author Andrew Davis offers tips for producing video testimonials that inspire action.

  • Bringing creative teams in-house promises greater efficiencies and higher-quality creative work. But marketing organizations can't just bolt on a creative team and expect miracles. Check out the infographic to learn more.

  • Brands that understand the value of partnerships with influencers are prioritizing the repurposing of influencer-created content. But extending the life of that content comes at a price, which is something marketers should be mindful of when beginning a partnership. Here are the important things you need to know.

  • A thought-leadership program drives value and builds trust. But many marketers struggle to identify their unique industry perspective, and then to integrate it into their messaging, positioning, and content. These five steps will help you kick off (or elevate) your thought-leadership program.

  • The average length of brand videos in 2018 dropped significantly—that's the second year in a row—according to recent research from Vidyard.

  • Fortnite's live performances and Netflix's new ventures are evidence that younger audiences' expectations of content are changing: They don't want to just watch it, they want to experience it. What will be the next way to grab mass audiences' precious time and attention?

  • Google will begin to add podcasts to search results. Soon, podcasts won't have to rely on Top 100 lists and word-of-mouth to be discoverable. This development will fundamentally change the medium. Here's what you need to know.

  • Even when you create a great piece of content, it might never be seen if it's not promoted and shared. Promotion is critical to the success of your content strategy, in general. To ensure your content gets seen and generates leads, use these 10 unpaid, organic content-promotion tactics.